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Wednesday, January 4, 2017



Mixing it up: Let $ F $ denote some finite language, $ R $ denote some regular language, $ C $ denote some context-free language, $ D $ denote some decidable language, $ E $ denote some
recognizable language, and $ N $ denote some non-recognizable language. For each one of the
following statements, prove whether it always holds, sometimes holds, or never holds:

$ N - D $ is recognizable

Short answer: never

Support I could enumerate $ N - D $, I can also enumerate $ D $ because $ D $ is decidable. Now I can dovetail to enumerate $ N = (N - D) \cup D $, therefore I should not be able to enumerate $ N - D $.

$ RE $ is context free 

Short answer: sometimes

A finite language is recursive enumerable and also context free.
A recursively enumerable language include $ a^n b^n c^n $, which is not context free.

$ N \cap F $ is decidable

Short answer: always

$ N \cap F $ is finite, and a finite language is always decidable.

$ E \cup F $ is recognizable

Short answer: sometimes

E is a recognizable language, it could be finite. F is finite, so E union F could be finite, and a finite language is regular.

E could be $ a^n b^n $, and $ F $ could be the empty language, so $ E \cup F $ is $ a^n b^n $ and is not regular.

$ N^* $ is non recognizable

Short answer: always

If $ N* $ is recognizable, we will have a Turing machine that halt on $ N* $. We can modify that machine such that whenever it reach a final state, any input will go to a state that just consume the input and do nothing and never halt, that would become a recognizer for $ N $.
Therefore $ N^* $ is not recognizable.

$ N \cup C $ is finite

Short answer: never

If $ N \cup C $ is finite, then $ N $ is finite, but finite language is always recognizable.

Coloring Cyborgs


Two cyborgs walk into your home, both claiming to be oracles for the graph 3-colorability decision problem. They both always give a yes/no answer in constant time for any instance, and are each self-consistent (i.e. each always gives the same answer for the same instance). However, one is a true oracle and the other is a shameless impostor, and you have a large instance of 3-colorability upon which they disagree. Prove whether it is possible to expose the impostor within time polynomial in the size of that instance.

Short Answer:

The key idea is to use the oracle (that only tell me yes or no) to output the coloring. The one that gives a valid coloring is the right one.


We need a gadget for that, first, we add three nodes (call them red - green - blue ) as a triangle to the graph. If we wanted to force a node to be red, simply connect green and blue to it.

Now we have a mechanism to force a node to have a certain color - now we can guess the color of the nodes. Here is an algorithm to extract the 3 coloring from it.

For the cyborg that said the graph is 3 colourable, we run this algorithm:

while (there exists uncolored node)
  color it red
  if (the colored graph is not 3 colourable)
    color it green instead
    if (the colored graph is not 3 colourable)
      color it blue instead
      if (the coloured graph is not colourable)
        output "you are fake oracle!";
output you are true oracle!

The algorithm do at most 3 coloring attempt for each node, so it is obviously polynomial time!

A Turing-recognizable language consisting of descriptions of Turing machines


Let $ A $ be a Turing-recognizable language consisting of descriptions of Turing machines, $ \{(M_1 ), (M_2), \cdots \}$, where every $ M_i $ is a decider. Prove that some decidable language $ D $ is not decided by any decider $ M_i $ whose description appears in $ A $.
(Hint: You may find it helpful to consider an enumerator for $ A $.)

Short answer: 

We can adopt the diagonalization argument to produce a decidable language that is not accepted by any of the $ M_i $.


Consider the language $ D $ decided by the following Turing machine

Reject any input that is not a binary number.
Enumerate the ith Turing machine, where $ i $ is the input string.
If $ M_i $ accept the input string, reject it, otherwise accept it.

Apparently this is a Turing machine, and it is not accepted by any of the $ M_i $ (there is always a string $ i $ where $ M_i $ does not agree with $ D $)

Most Boolean function on N input requires exponential (as a function of N) number of 2-input Boolean gates.


Most Boolean function on N input requires exponential (as a function of N) number of 2-input Boolean gates.

Proof idea:

The number of Boolean function is huge (i.e. exponential exponential) but the number of circuit you can make out of polynomial number of gates is smaller than that.


The number of Boolean functions of n input can be counted by listing the output of the Boolean function output starting from

00000..000 = 0
00000..001 = 0

There are $ 2^n $ rows, therefore every unique bit string of length $ 2^n $ represents an unique Boolean function, so we have $ 2^{2^n} $ Boolean functions.

On the other hand, if we have a polynomial number of gates, they could be arranged in anyway, the number of circuits could be at most $ (cn^s)! < 2^{cn^s} < 2^{2^n} $, therefore, most of the circuits do require more than polynomial number of gates.

Show that the set of incompressible strings contains no infinite subset that is Turing recognizable.


Show that the set of incompressible strings contains no infinite subset that is Turing recognizable.

Short proof: 

If such an infinite subset exists, we can compress those strings using a Turing enumerator.


If such an infinite subset exists, we build an enumerator of them. By the recursion theorem, we can build a Turing machine that enumerate the strings that infinite subset and stop on the first string that is larger than the representation of itself.

Such a machine must eventually halt because of the set must have a string with length larger than this finite machine.

Show that NP is closed under union and concatenation


Show that NP is closed under union and concatenation

Short answer: 

We can build non-deterministic Turing machine to solve the union language and the concatenation language


Assume language X and language Y are in NP, we wanted to show X union Y is in NP

Because X and Y are in NP, there exists non-deterministic Turing machine X and non-deterministic Turing machine Y that verifies X and Y, respectively.

Rename the states in Y so that it does not have the same name as in X.

Build a new non-deterministic Turing machine U as follow:

Create a new start state, for each input symbol, it write the same symbol back to the tape, and non-deterministically go to the start state of X or the start state of Y. Take the union of state and transition function from both X and Y, that is a non-deterministic Turing machine U.

For any string in X, non-deterministic Turing machine U can take a non-deterministic jump to the start state of X, and follow the non-deterministic Turing machine X to finally get accepted.
For any string in Y, non-deterministic Turing machine U can take a non-deterministic jump to the start state of Y, and follow the non-deterministic Turing machine Y to finally get accepted.
For any string that is neither in X nor in Y, non-deterministic jump to either X or Y cannot lead to acceptance.

Therefore we showed the non-deterministic Turing machine U precisely accept X union Y.

Assume language X and language Y are in NP, we wanted to show X concatenate Y is in NP

Because X and Y are in NP, there exists non-deterministic Turing machine X and non-deterministic Turing machine Y that verifies X and Y, respectively.

Rename the states in Y so that it does not have the same name as in X.

Build a new non-deterministic Turing machine C as follow:

For each final state in X, for each input symbol, write the same symbol back to the tape and jump to the start state of Y, and make it non-final.

For any string in X concatenate Y, it can follow the non-deterministic Turing machine X to go to final state of the original non-deterministic Turing machine X, jump to start state of Y, and then follow it to the final state of Y.

For any string, it cannot possibly go to a final state without going through a original final state of X. (All path to final state goes through it)

But if it goes through to final state through a original final state of X, the string could be split into two pieces where a prefix is in X and a suffix is in Y, that means the string has to be in X concatenate Y.
The contrapositive of this show if a string is not in X concatenate Y, it is not accepted.

Therefore we showed the non-deterministic Turing machine C precisely accept X concatenate Y.

Is NP countable?


Is NP countable?

Short answer: 



For each problem in NP - there exists a non-deterministic Turing machine as verifier.
As we can encode non-deterministic Turing machine as finite binary string, the set of non-deterministic Turing machine is countable, therefore the set NP is also countable.